The uniform shop stocks all uniform requirements for Mitchelton State High School. The P&C Association operates the uniform shop as a convenience and service to parents.
Opening hours - school days
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8.15 to 11.30am during school terms.
Open at first break on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Payment methodWe accept cash, EFTPOS, MasterCard and Visa Card.
Buy your uniforms online
Uniforms can be ordered and paid for through our online uniform shop.
Click here to order uniforms
Orders and payments accepted by phone or order form
On days when the uniform shop is not open, you can complete an order form and lodge it with the school office.
On days when the uniform shop is open we can accept orders and payment over the phone if you call after 9am.
Phone (07) 3550 1111 and Press 2 for Uniform Shop.
We will package up the items for the student to collect from the Uniform Shop. We are open during first break both Tuesday and Thursday.
Second hand uniforms
A limited range of second hand uniforms are also available at the uniform shop. Donations of second hand uniforms can be made at the Uniform shop, Tuckshop or the school office.
The uniform shop no longer sells second hand uniforms on consignment. We are unable to offer returns or credits on second-hand garments.
Helpers are always needed for back-to-school trading. If you can spare an hour or two to help in the store it would be greatly appreciated. Please email
If you cannot download the document linked from this page, please
contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.