


​​​1944 - Mitchelton was first touted as a 'post primary school' when negotiations began to purchase land.

1950 - Final negotiations, to buy the land on which the school now stands, were complete for a total price of $3,300.

1956 - The new Mitchelton State High Perimeter School was opened on 31 January with an enrolment of 141. The Principal was Mr V.C. Clarkson. The school was unfinished, consisting of one block of classrooms, a principal’s office, one staffroom, one manual training block and one toilet block. In this year the school emblem was created by students and includes symbols of the Olympics. It links the school’s opening with the Melbourne Olympics.

1958 – This year had an enrolment of 420 pupils.

1959 - The Hon. K. G. Morris MLA, the Deputy Premier of Queensland, officially opened the school.

1964 - The influx of the first grade 8's caused the enrolment to jump to 1,126 pupils. This figure subsided in later years as Everton Park and Newmarket State High Schools opened.

1970 - The school continued to grow when the surrounding suburbs rapidly expanded, reaching an enrolment of approximately 1,500.

1997 - The school underwent major change with the accessing of a grant as a 'school of the future'. The resource centre was transformed and computer labs and classrooms were connected to the school-wide network. A set of lap-tops was made available for teachers to access in their classrooms. A vertical, unitised curriculum was introduced in the junior school. This major shift in curriculum delivery was seen as necessary in a rapidly changing world.

1999 - An initiative introduced the flexible school day catering for students who worked one day a week, often in association with traineeships and school-based apprenticeships.

2001 - The school was part of the Education Queensland 'School Renewal Program' to upgrade many buildings and facilities. This included the conversion of the year 8 centre to a centre for the arts, a refurbishment of the science block-with the inclusion of a number of computer 'pods' -and the conversion of the old music block to an area for health and physical education.

2002 - Our values respect, participation and accountability were developed by the student body.

2004 to 2006 - Many classrooms were refurbished, 70 per cent of classrooms were air conditioned and many received multi-media facilities.

2006 - Wireless connectivity across the school was completed. The school celebrated 50 years of schooling.

2007 - Refurbishment of the school hall.

2008 - Senior hospitality kitchen and dining room updated to industry standards and new espresso coffee machine installed. Water bladders and tanks installed throughout the school.

2009 - Interactive whiteboards installed in the library and a number of classrooms. Replacement of the cricket nets. Gained approval for a grant to build a Trade Training Centre on the school premises. Shade structures erected throughout the school.

2010 - Mitchelton was granted funding from the Telstra Kids Fund for seating in the area adjacent to A Block alongside the hall apron fencing. MSHS received the “Excellence in Community or Industry Partnerships” in the Metropolitan Showcase Awards for Excellence in Schools with our “In the Course of Play” program (developed by teachers at MSHS) with the specific goal of improving outcomes. The program encompasses the Certificate III in Children’s Services course.

2011 - Trade Training Centre officially opened at MSHS. Students receive access to laptops within classrooms. High speed wireless network installed under the National Secondary School Computer Fund as part of the Australian Government's Digital Education Revolution.

2012 - All Year 9 students receive access to personal laptops. More interactive whiteboards installed throughout the school.  Refurbishment of the school library.  Horticulture classes continue to beautify the school grounds by adding and reinvigorating gardens. Renovations to the oval grandstand completed.

2013 - Year 8 students receive access to iPads.  38 students and 5 staff members visit Japan during the September holidays.  Temporary science block built as refurbishment of Science precinct begins.

2014 - Science block refurbishment completed and R Block (additional science classroom) built.  New signage introduced throughout the school.  Junior scholarships introduced to high performing primary school students.
2015 - Officially welcome Year 7's into Mitchelton State High School. Master Teacher Ms Bampton wins Jack Pizzey Teacher of the Year Award for 2015.
2016 – Mitchelton State High School celebrates 60 years of high quality education servicing the local community and our international students.
2017 – The Montessori Program is established offering a multi-age program for students in Years 7, 8 and 9.  Montessori at MSHS offers a unique way of learning and engaging with the Australian Curriculum. 

2021 - Completion of the construction of the Performing Arts Centre and ​the new Q Block
Last reviewed 07 February 2025
Last updated 07 February 2025