Mitchelton State High School offers education from Year 7 to Year 12 and our students learn in a community that values respect, accountability and participation. Mitchelton State High School successfully blends excellence in academic performance, creative arts and sports.
Please navigate the website menu or click the relevant form under Enrolment Forms.
School Tours
Mitchelton State High School offer group and individual tours of classrooms and facilities. Bookings are by appointment only. Please feel free to contact the school to arrange a time 07 3550 1111.
Uniform Policy
The uniform shop stocks all requirements for students, and a mandated dress code is required:
Uniform policy (PDF, 607KB).
Student Code of Conduct
Mitchelton State high School is committed to providing a safe, respectful and disciplined learning environment for all students, staff, parents and visitors. The
student code of conduct (PDF, 6.3MB) sets out responsibilities and processes we use in our school to promote a productive and effective whole school approach to discipline.
Contact us
Telephone: (07) 3550 1111