Learning across the Junior School seeks to introduce students to a range of subjects which they may have not have encountered before whilst continuing to build upon their prior knowledge and skills.
Junior Secondary students study the Australian Curriculum covering the core areas of Maths, English, Science and Humanities. Students undertake electives studies in:
| Dance
| Drama |
Health & Physical Education
| Design & Technologies
| Economics & Business
| Introduction to Fitness
| Media Arts
| STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
| Visual Art
Year 10 students continue their learning in Maths, English, Science, History and Geography.
They continue to study electives as above with additional vocational studies and taster courses also available.
The Junior Secondary Experience
At Mitchelton State High School we believe in the capacity of all students
to succeed. In turn we work with students to help them reach their goals.
We aim to:
- Support students to improve academic performance
- Increase participation in school-wide programs
- Foster positive relationships between students and staff
- Provide programs to encourage the social and emotional development of students
- Instil a sense of enjoyment in learning
- Prepare students for life in the 21st Century through the development of critical skills for lifelong learning
Junior secondary at Mitchelton State High School boasts:
- A junior precinct with designated undercover eating and play areas
- Flexible learning areas
- Specialist laboratories, workshops, kitchens and creative art spaces
- Globally connected classrooms where students engage with innovative learning experiences
- Student leadership is encouraged from Years 7 to 9
- Opportunities exist in academic, sporting, cultural and citizenship positions
- “Welcome to Mitchie Teams” run daily to support new students
An ongoing commitment to improving student wellbeing:
- Common teachers for core subjects and Pastoral Care teachers who will remain with the students from Year 7 -12
- A strong focus on the development of group identity while fostering a sense of belonging and connectedness to the whole school
- Special Education and a school support team including:
- Guidance Officer
- Defence Transition Mentor
- School-based health nurse
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officer
- Chaplain
- Year 10 Peer Supporters supporting Year 7 students with their transition to high school
- Year 11 Peer Mediator training to assist students to support each other.
A quality curriculum:
- Full complement of key learning areas covered throughout secondary school
- Specialist teachers for LOTE, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Technologies and Instrumental Music
- Whole school pedagogical framework to support teaching and learning
- Year 7 scholarships are available in Leadership, Academic, Sporting and Cultural domains
- Montessori program