Dear Parents and Guardians,
As the Principal of Mitchelton State High School, I am committed to the academic achievement and successful outcomes for all students. As a school, our goal is to provide a rigorous curriculum, powerful learning experiences and engaging programs to engage every child, every day, in every classroom.
Our school has strong values and high expectations founded on a relentless belief that with support and encouragement all students can achieve their personal best. We believe that all students thrive where there is a commitment to:
Lifelong learning
At Mitchelton, we believe in providing opportunities for all students. Our school offers a range of academic, sporting, cultural and co-curricular activities. We are an inclusive, diverse and dynamic school leading the way with:
A full range of academic subjects across the Junior and Senior phases of learning
One to one computer program in a fully wireless environment
Excellence in Sports, Technologies and The Arts
University links (Early Start University)
Trade Training Centre
Nationally recognised vocational education including School Based Traineeships
Apprenticeships and Certificates
Career Education
Student Leadership Opportunities
Tutorial and Homework programs
Co-curricular programs
Our caring team of professionals, co-ordinate and deliver tailored services for students, encompassing academic, social-emotional and cultural needs. Our commitment to the provision of a safe and supportive environment is upheld by our Student Code of Conduct and holistic approach to the explicit instruction of Positive Behaviours for Learning. The implementation of wellbeing programs, an evidence based pedagogical approach to teaching and learning and strong partnerships with parents and community continues to see Mitchelton State High School grow and improve.
School leaders and teachers actively connect with families to deliver the best outcomes for our students. At Mitchelton State High School, we believe communication between school and home is a key component of our success. Annual school events, information evenings, email, fortnightly newsletters and our website and Facebook page provide families with up to date information about our school. We welcome you to join us on a wonderful journey of learning as we continue to inspire all our students to achieve individual excellence.
John Searle - Principal